Wednesday, February 7, 2018


                Today we learned how to make some of the thick soups. My team was assigned to complete the cream of broccoli and celery root puree soups. Because we had to make 2 gallons per soup, we took some time to do the math and the conversions. We cut what we needed to measure it out. The puree was quite easy. We let it the root and onions sweat before adding in the stock and let it simmer for about half an hour. Then once the root had softened enough, we pureed it with an immersion blender. After adding salt and pepper for taste we let it simmer again. We then poured in the heavy cream to thicken. Once we tasted it, we decided to use puree the soup just a bit longer since it was still chunky and not as smooth as it should be. Once it was pureed again, the mixture had a perfect consistency.
Celery Root Puree

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