Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pot Pies!

                This particular recipe I've been excited to make all block long! As a classic that my mom made all the time as a kid, I've always wondered how to make it homemade.
For the chicken pot pie, our team had to sauté the onions until they were sweating and then began adding in the other vegetables. Immediately after, we added in some stock to help soften the vegetables and basically braised the vegetables until they softened. Then we mixed in the veloute sauce and placed the pastry crust over the top. Lastly we let it bake in the oven until the crust was a golden brown.
                The couscous was very similar to risotto. We first sautéed the onions and then had to boil stock before adding in the starch. Once the couscous and onions were mixed together, we covered it to steam and pulled it off the heat. In 5 to 10 minutes the couscous soaked all the moisture and it was ready to be seasoned and then served.
The pot pie with and without the crust

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