Thursday, February 15, 2018

Breakfast Day #1

Today we learned several different ways on how to cook an egg. One way was the French Omelet. For this method, I had to scramble the bottom of the pan of eggs with a fork to ensure that all the eggs were evenly cooked. When the eggs had cooked enough together, I flipped the egg on its other side for a very short amount of time before flipping it again and adding the toppings. For the omelet to be French I had to flip both sides into the middle and then turn it on its back to form a nice oval.
                For the crepes all we had to do was ladle the right amount for the pan. I moved the pan in a circle, so the batter would reach around the pan in a nice circle. Once the side was cooked I flipped it over and let the other side get some color.
French omelet

 As a group, we made caramelized apples for our crepe filling. First, we sautéed the apples in butter before throwing in brown sugar and cream to let it braise for a few minutes to soften.
                The American omelet actually took me the longest to figure out. I had a few goes at it but finally was able to flip it correctly. The first step is to let the garnishes sauté for a minute before adding in the egg. To make sure the bottom wouldn’t brown, I had to lift the edges of the egg and let the raw on the top go under it. Once the top of the egg wasn’t so raw I had to flip it over and let it cook like with the French omelet. However, once it was fully cooked, all I had to do was flip it in half and take it off the heat.
                With French toast, we soaked the bread in the batter and griddled the pieces until they were cooked all the way through. Another way we cooked an egg was poaching it. I let an egg soak in vinegar for a few minutes before letting it drop in a hot pot of water. Once the egg solidified into an oval and the whites were set, it was ready to take out of the pot. 

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