Wednesday, January 10, 2018

First day!

This is my eportfolio for my CA1120 class. Today was the very first day cooking in the kitchen, which I was very excited for yesterday. Some of the things we learned about was stock making, specifically vegetable stock. First we had to cut vegetables for the stock. We worked on dicing vegetables in small, medium and large dice with carrots, potatoes and onions. The scraps went into containers for later use. The onions and the leftover carrots were put into the stockpot with a sachet and few gallons of water to create a vegetable stock.
                Lastly we combined a pot of boiling vegetable stock with the cubed carrots and a sachet and let the carrots soften before putting the soup through the blender to puree. We placed the soup in containers to cool and use tomorrow.

                The critical point in the carrot soup was softening the carrots in the stock and then pureeing afterwards. If you didn’t not puree the soup it would be oddly chunky and without a whole lot of flavor. The consistency would be lacking and not have a creamy and smooth texture.

Today was the first day in the kitchen, so we practiced a few knife cuts. Here are some of my first cuts.

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