Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Elderquest #1

Today we boiled potatoes and used that product to create mashed potatoes with a food mill. We added butter and milk into the mashed potatoes to add a smooth texture and better flavor. We also made fried chicken with flour, egg yolk wash, and then bread crumbs lastly to create a crust on the raw chicken. The breaded chicken went into oil at 350 degrees Fahrenheit to be deep fried to a golden-brown color before being taken out and salted. The chicken then was arranged so thighs and legs were pan fried together and breasts were separated since they cook faster than the former. The chicken was kept in the oven for around 15 to 20 minutes before being served. Lastly, we sautéed brussel sprouts until they had a nice brown crust and were softer.
              My team and I learned how to work really well together in an assembly line as we each had our own role in breading the chicken. This helped when we plated the prepared food for the members of Elderquest and had to form an assembly line to position each part of the plate. I had the position on the table to plate the fried chicken and with only being a week in, I'm proud to say our first catering event was a success!

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